corgi's web site

hii, i'm corgi! if you need to contact me for any reason, including to report bugs/issues on my website, you can reach me through my e-mail I have no other forms of contact at this time.

This is my button, you can use it to link to my page.

about me the fishbowl the beat room guestbook

Website Version 1.1.5
last updated 9/02/2024


To Do List + Changelog

Website is in a stable state, but please reach my e-mail or report an issue to my github if there are any problems. Help is highly appreciated.


  • finish up the mushroom storyline
  • last fm integration?

Known Issues:

What's New:

  • more beatroom changes!

Important Info:

  • Press space bar to pause and play music
  • use the plus and minus keys to control volume (either on your keyboard or using the built-in buttons!)
  • talk to the fish!!
  • try clicking some of the buttons on the left. they might lead to something ;P

Hotline Webring
Retronaut Webring